Bexen Cardio (Osatu)

Masimo - Bexen Cardio (Osatu)

Masimo - Bexen Cardio (Osatu) - OEM Partner logo

Bexen Cardio (Osatu)


Osatu, S.Coop.
Edificio Zearrekobuelta
Subida de Areitio, nº 5
48260 Ermua (VIZCAYA) SPAIN


Tel: +34-943-170-220
Fax: +34-943-170-227

Released Products*


Released Products with Masimo SET® or Masimo rainbow SET® or EtCO2/Multigas

  • Masimo - Osatu - Reanibex 500
  • Reanibex 500

  • Masimo - Osatu - Reanibex 700
  • Reanibex 700

  • Masimo - Osatu - Reanibex 800
  • Reanibex 800

*The products and features shown may not be available in all markets. Please verify with Bexen Cardio (Osatu) the markets in which the listed products and features are available.
